Dear users!

Dear users!

Dear readers,

We invite you to use Alma, the new library services platform activated at the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.

From now on, please use our Virtual Library to search for and request items and extend loan  period. The new library services platform may temporarily lead to incorrect display of certain bibliographic records, inaccurate search results in external sources, etc. The electronic catalogues previously used at the Library are no longer available.

We will make every effort to correct inaccuracies and errors in the new Alma platform as soon as possible. We hope that you will appreciate the advantages of this service platform and will be happy to use our library resources.

When you log in to our new Virtual Library for the first time, please select Click here to reset password and enter your email address in the pop-up window. In the email you will receive, you will be asked to enter your password to access the Alma platform. We recommend that you use the same password that you have been using to connect to the library’s former electronic catalogues or virtual library, as well as to the library’s digital archive and WIFI or VPN services. Once you have entered the password you have been using, you will be able to continue using the same password to access all the resources or services listed above. Your user ID (your reader card’s number) remains unchanged.

If you have any questions, please contact us at  or by phone +370 686 27532