Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių biblioteka: tęstinis mokslo darbų leidinys
2021 m. t. 10, p. 145-171
ISSN 1648-9772
doi: 10.54506/LMAVB.2021.10.11


Dauginimo priemonėmis spausdinti periodiniai leidiniai, saugomi Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių bibliotekos Senosios periodikos fonde

Darbe apžvelgiama Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių bibliotekos Retų spaudinių skyriaus Senosios periodikos fonde saugomų XIX–XX a. periodinių leidinių (laikraštėlių, žurnalų, informacinių biuletenių, vienkartinių leidinių), išleistų dauginimo priemonėmis – hektografu, rotatoriumi, kopijavimo aparatu, kolekcija. Pateikiamas 255 pavadinimų sąrašas lotyniškais ir kirilikos rašmenimis.
Esminiai žodžiai: periodika; laikraščiai, žurnalai; biuleteniai; vienkartiniai leidiniai; hektografas; šapirografas; rotatorius; mimeografas.

Periodicals produced by duplicating machines and xerographic copiers in the Old Periodicals collection of the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences

The Old Periodicals collection at the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences contains 255 newspapers, journals, newsletters, and ephemera produced by duplicating machines such as hectograph and mimeograph, and by xerographic copiers. These are small-format periodicals published by the scouts, Ateitininkai, Young Lithuanians, military units, student classes, as well as other organizations and institutions both in Lithuania and abroad (in Poland, Germany, the U.S.A., etc.). Most of them are Lithuanian-language interwar publications. Few periodicals reproduced by means other than printing are extant, and a complete set of such a periodical is a rarity. In most cases, the Library’s holdings contain only single issues that have come to the Library by a variety of ways. The present article offers a list of these periodicals in the holdings of the Library, providing their distribution by language. Most of them (164 titles) are in the Lithuanian language, 51 are in Polish, 12 in Belarusian, 13 in German, 7 in Russian, 3 in French, 2 in English, 2 in Ukrainian, 1 in Swedish. An entry for a periodical consists of the title, publication year, publication place, publisher, editor, call number, and issues available.
Keywords: periodicals; newspapers; journals; newsletters; ephemera; hectograph; mimeograph.

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