Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių biblioteka: tęstinis mokslo darbų leidinys

2021, t. 10, p. 87–109
ISSN 1648-9772
doi: 10.54506/LMAVB.2021.10.7

Lietuvos prezidento institucijos istorijos atgarsiai Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių bibliotekos dokumentuose 

Šiame straipsnyje tiriama šimtametė Lietuvos prezidento institucijos istorija, kuriai pagrįsti pasitelkti dokumentai, ikonografija, saugomi Lietuvos MA Vrublevskių bibliotekos Rankraščių ir Retų spaudinių skyriuose.
Esminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos prezidento institucija; seimų dominavimo, autoritarinio valdymo laikotarpiai; sovietinė okupacija; nepriklausomos valstybės atkūrimas.

Echoes of the history of the Lithuanian Presidential Institution in documents held by the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences

This article aims to analyse the history (development) of the Lithuanian Presidential Institution based on the documentary heritage from the holdings of the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. The Lithuanian Presidential Institution in the period of the authoritarian rule of the Seimas is best represented by photographs from the holdings of the Rare Books Department illustrating various state events. The documents related to the interwar Presidential Institution are kept in various collections from the holdings of the Manuscripts Department. The following sets of documents deserve special notice: 1) Collection F29-756 consists of letters and requests for 1919-1939 addressed to President Antanas Smetona (70 folia in total); 2) Augustinas Voldemaras Collection (F172) contains Antanas Smetona’s and Augustinas Voldemaras’ letters that bear significance to the Presidential Institution; 3) Collection F54 contains documents related to President Kazys Grinius and materials concerning the controversial activities of Justas Paleckis; 4) Mykolas Biržiška collection (F165) includes a dozen invitations to key state events issued by Presidents Aleksandras Stulginskis and Antanas Smetona.
Documents related to the Presidential Institution of the independent Republic of Lithuania restored in the last decade of the 20th century were found both in the photographs and ephemera collections of the Rare Books Department and in personal collections of the Manuscripts Department. The following collections ofmanuscript documents are especially noteworthy: 1) the documents from Kazys Ėringis Collection (F335) and Meilė Lukšienė Collection (F391) represent the activities of President Valdas Adamkus. 2) Ona Voverienė’s Collection (F397) contains the greatest number of documents related to the Presidential Institution of the restored independent State of Lithuania. These documents include sociopolitical articles by Ona Voverienė reflecting the realities of Lithuanian politics over several decades and her correspondence with President Dalia Grybauskaitė.
The article also presents so far little-researched organizational documents of the Lithuanian Presidential Institution, publications in periodicals, and iconography.
Keywords: Lithuanian Presidential Institution; periods of the authoritarian rule of the Seimas; Soviet occupation; restoration of the independent state.

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